Drive Air S.R.L., con sede in Via Di Grignano 65, - 59100 Prato (PO), VAT number n. IT02063270975, sells and the Purchaser purchases the products selected and ordered by the Purchaser from those included on the website and currently available with an Online Sales Contract.
The company considers null all orders that do not comply with the rules listed in this sales contract, and in general, orders considered fraudulent.
This contract, available on the website, must be carefully examined by the Purchaser before completing the purchase order of the products through the website itself. The Purchaser declares that he has the full capacity to act and enter into the purchase agreement for the products on the website based on this online sales contract. The Company will under no circumstances be required to verify the ability of visitors and buyers of the Company's website to act. In the event that a person, who does not have the necessary ability to act (for example a minor), places an order on the Company's website, without prejudice to the responsibility of his parents or legal guardians for this order and the related payment, the The company may refuse to accept the order.
A - With this contract, the Company sells and the Buyer remotely purchases the products indicated and offered for sale on the website through the Company's online tools. The Contract aims to define the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to the sale of the Company's products to the Buyer. These rights and obligations apply without limitation to all sales made through the website.
B - The products on sale are illustrated on the web page as described in the relevant information sheets; however, the image accompanying each product may not be perfectly representative, therefore differing in color, size and finishing details. The online sales service, regulated by this contract, is available for purchases to be delivered worldwide.
C - The Company reserves the right to modify this contract at any time, however any sale concluded prior to the change incorporates all conditions regulated by the previous contract.
A - The contract between the parties is concluded exclusively through the Company's website, by accessing the Buyer at the where, following the procedures indicated, the Purchaser will complete the purchase proposal for the desired products.
B -The Purchaser undertakes to pay the price of the products purchased and any incidental expenses, for example, the shipping costs, in the times and ways indicated in the online sales contract.
C - The Purchaser undertakes, once the online purchase procedure is completed, to print and / or keep these general conditions which, moreover, he will have already viewed and accepted as an obligatory passage of the purchase and this in order to fully satisfy the condition referred to in articles 52 and 53 of Legislative Decree 206/05.
D -The Purchaser is strictly prohibited from entering false and / or invented and / or invented personal data and e-mails.
A - The Contract is concluded by the exact compilation of the request form and the purchase consent shown by filling in the form attached to the online electronic catalog at the address and the subsequent sending of the form itself, always after viewing a web page summarizing the order in which the details of the Purchaser and the order are reported, the price of the product purchased, shipping costs and any additional additional charges , the methods and terms of payment, the address where the goods will be delivered, the existence of the right of withdrawal and a copy of this contract.
B - When the Company receives the order from the Purchaser, it sends an e-mail confirming the order summary, printable, which will also contain the data referred to in the previous point except for the copy of the contract .
C - The contract stipulated between the Company and the Buyer must be considered concluded with the acceptance of the order, even if only partial, by the Company. This acceptance is considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated by e-mail to the Buyer.
D - The ownership of the products will remain with the Company until the full amount of the order, including ancillary costs (if any), are fully paid by the Buyer.
E - By placing an order, the Buyer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the Contract.
A - The sales prices of the products displayed and indicated on the website are expressed in Euros and not including VAT. and constitute an offer for companies (include VAT, they constitute an offer for individuals).
B - Shipping costs and any ancillary charges (where provided) will be indicated and calculated in the purchase procedure before the order is forwarded by the Buyer.
C - The Company may modify the selling prices of the products, the shipping costs and any incidental costs at any time and without notice. It is understood that every order received before the price change will keep the relative amounts with the previous prices.
A - The products on sale on the website are available for as long as they are published and within the limits of warehouse stocks. The Company ensures, through the information system, the processing and processing of orders received in the shortest possible time, compatibly with the workload of the Company's workforce and availability of warehouse.
B - In the event that, after the order is sent by the Purchaser, a total or partial unavailability of the product occurs, the Purchaser will be promptly informed by the most suitable means, of the unavailability of the product and of the total cancellation. or partial of the order.
C - In the event that the order is canceled in whole or in part, the Company will inform the Customer and the same will have the right to confirm the part that can be shipped and the Company, if the whole order has been charged, will immediate refund of what will not be shipped. The customer will have the right to cancel the available goods, if not interested in a partial shipment of what is requested.
D - If the Customer confirms a partial shipment of the purchased items, the Company will ship the available products by charging the relative cost to the chosen means of payment.